Job interviews in English: How to perform better. Interview with Mujidah Sakibu

In this podcast episode, the conversation revolves around strategies to ace job interviews, especially for immigrants or non-native English speakers. The guest, Mujidah Sakibu, shares her experiences and practical tips for navigating interviews successfully. The dialogue touches upon crucial aspects, such as the importance of highlighting relevant experience, addressing language barriers, and understanding the cultural nuances involved in the hiring process. Mujidah emphasizes the need for immigrants to focus on roles they can excel in, leverage their expertise, and effectively communicate their value during interviews.

Mujidah begins by stressing the significance of targeting job applications to roles individuals can excel in, advising against random applications. She underscores the need to tailor applications to showcase how well one can perform in specific roles. The conversation then delves into the challenge of self-promotion, especially in cultures that emphasize humility. Mojita suggests starting with tangible achievements and gradually becoming comfortable articulating larger successes. The discussion shifts towards the ease of securing roles as individual contributors compared to managerial positions for immigrants. Mojita shares her observations, encouraging individuals to leverage their experience and progress steadily within a new job market.

The conversation explores the role of culture in job interviews, acknowledging the potential impact of cultural differences on the hiring process. Mujidah recommends focusing on the company’s needs during interviews, emphasizing that the most critical aspect is proving one’s ability to contribute to the organization’s goals. The host and guest agree on the importance of assessing company culture during interviews, advising listeners to inquire about team dynamics, manager relationships, and overall work environment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Apply strategically to roles that align with your expertise.
  • Articulate achievements and experiences that directly relate to the hiring company’s needs.
  • Assess and adapt to cultural nuances in both self-presentation and company culture evaluation.


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